Saturday, September 21, 2013

One is enough πŸ˜‰

Hi, wuyao here again :D wutong is like sad today :( so let's cheer her up xD 

I don't know whether you are reading this a not, but do cheer up ^^ after leaving NLPS, I have made many kinds of friend, good and bad, all is included. Many changed, and even up till now, I don't think I has got myself another friend like wutong. 

Everyone began to do the same thing: EG; bullying someone just because they doesn't want to be ostracize by the majority. I mean, why do this? They are human too. 

Next, people began to create "fame" for themselves, and haters are everywhere. 
People might find it offensive, but if you think it thoroughly, isn't this the way? I do think that it's this way. 

This are just part of the examples out of all the infinity patterns I've seen in school. There are still much more. Friends come and go. Even when they are with you, it doesn't mean that, their soul will be together with you. So why be sad when they leave?! How nice it is when someone whom is so "fake" leave you! At least, it will not stay and hurt you deeper :) 

From sec 1, even up till now, I always told myself this, having 1 is more than enough. Because I know there can't be a lot of true friends, best friends. It's fake. Maybe for some there will be, but it's hard to find. So since you have one, don't be sad! You are just as well as the others! ^^ 

So, what I want to say is that, don't be sad xinle! You still have me ^^ I know we will last for a very long time :D and next time we shall go holiday and do many things together xD even though I am not in the same school as you, and don't meet often, my heart is still with you πŸ’ž so cheer up ^^ 😘

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